Interim post....
Cruising for home ... And Dr Fred resumes his stargazing duties. It's good on this ship, lots of interested people, which means they talk to us quite a bit. Dr Freds often chatting to people showing them where things are in the sky. He's got his secret location on deck six which he is now sharing with some people🤣🤣 I think they have secret meets up there..
The build a boat scrap challenge continues.... its got seriously out of hand. The boat is rivaling any cruise liner - its enormous .. needs 2 people to carry it - I would say its slightly over engineered🤣🛳🚢🤣.
We are now just bracing ourselves For the five (plus 2 half days🤣🤣) days to the next Port - Hopefully the Azores, weather permitting, then the following three days after that we hit home in the cold and wet..... The sea days are not too bad Dr Fred has several lectures to give and another four stargazing sessions Plus the old bits he's doing in between just for entertainment. I've got my sewing, drawing, art classes, book club... actually really we're going to keep quite busy.....
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