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Showing posts from March, 2017

One of those days..

Some days just don't go according to plan... I decided to do my college work from home today.   It allows me access to all my fabric stash and the bits and bobs I anticipated needing to make my new project fantabulous.... The current idea is to sew and collage some back ground papers for my latest project!   I didn't exactly think it would be easy but I hoped it would fall into place, a few tries in it would all start to look ok and then quite nice and then potentially fabulous - well I'm at the ''this isn't working as well as I had thought it would '' stage.... I'm using a mix of calico, muslin, papers, waxed music and all sorts of bits of lace and other found embellishments, I can't seem to find the right balance... I may need a new plan. also... I just put the sewing machine needle through my finger - always an experience to be avoided - quite painful and it makes my stomach turn a little - and it broke the sewing machine needle which

Where the Bee Sucks

I'm busy drawing, stitching, weaving and printing material to inform my next and final brief for college.  This is the last module in my two Year journey to attain a foundation degree in textiles, this work will hopefully go in the final student show so it needs to be a bold statement of what I have learnt this last two years. I've been looking back at my collection of work so far, and my research of artists and ideas that have inspired me and its so eclectic it kind of gives me plenty of scope but also rather too many ideas.  It ranges from the delicate ideas using embroidery both machine and hand rendered that Cas Holmes and Anne Kelly produce - lovely natural colours with subtle highlights and trim to the bold robust multi coloured multi patterned work of some one like Kaffe Fasset whose colour combinations know no limits.  All this via more traditional artists like Marc Chagall - a long time favourite for once again his use of colour and his distinctive style and shape

(G)astronomy Weekends

Another star weekend is underway at the Ninebanks Youth hostel hosted by myself and Dr Fred.  the weather is not being kind to us, rain mist and more rain and the only stars visible are the people who rock up almost every weekend on offer to enjoy not only the educational aspects of Dr Freds lectures about the universe and its vastness but also the food, cakes and chat of long term friends and colleagues with like minded interests. These interests range from the obvious astronomy through to local history, knitting, travel, walking in the rain and cake eating... I add cake eating as this has become a massive requirement of the weekend and today is no exception as we seem to have gone a bit overboard on the cake front.  - these are just the cakes - this does not include the cheesecake, meringues and crumble we offer for desserts - lemon drizzle, carrot cake, fairy cakes, date and walnut and double chocolate (with moon icing) Eating cake makes up little bit for not getting much ac

2017 scarf collection

Final scarves for Liberty inspired module at college, finished and printed... some issues with printing on silk which was a tad disappointing but hopefully when the digital printer is up and running efficiently again I will be able to get some clean copies, meanwhile I've had them printed on cotton to see how colours work and I'm pleased with the results.  Two designs and two colourways.. Introducing the Ruby Starrs 2017 scarf collection, available to order at extortionate prices...given time there's more to follow... Running Hares (orange) Party in the Fields (orange) Running Hares (blue) Party in the Fields blue)

Singing in bath

I'm down in Bath staying with some old friends -old as having known them for a long time rather then them being old although we are all quite old nowadays.  I wrote last year about coming to see them when they had just completed building work which made a very lovely space, an extension into the garden and it's nice to come back a year on and see how the room is develop into a really comfortable living area. They still have their two dogs who are in spite of old age completely bonkers and total exhibitionists. It's been a very busy weekend it was my friend's birthday and to celebrate we went out for dinner with some of her friends a very enjoyable evening fueled by by wine and good food very interesting conversation covering every topic you could possibly imagine.  On the Sunday we went to Cooper Hall, Frome to see a band made up of three different acts doing both their own thing and working collaboratively to produce amazing vocal harmonies. The event was an all wo

Fabric Bombing

In spite of my top tips for a tidy house posting last month - 'things' went a bit awry in the spare room.... no guests at the moment - the spare room aka known as my 'Studio' looked like a bomb had gone off, a paint bomb mind you... it was riot of colour - fabric everywhere - Most of it loitering from the last college module when I just couldn't find the right combination and nothing worked!! This necessitated me to buy more fabric - which didn't work either - I went through all my old saved clothing items which are nice patterns - still nothing - then resorted to my paper/collage collection in case I could diversify - nothing was working which caused me great grief and just made an overwhelming mess - interestingly perseverance paid off and it all turned out well in the end - I worked on black velvet and cotton and used a lot of embellishment and got a good mark for the final outcome... There was also wool everywhere as I am considering knitting an Icelandic

choose life...

The weeks fly by.. this was supposed to be a relaxing week - the pressure off for college deadlines for a few days and some precious downtime at home - suddenly it all got busy, there was more work for college then I had anticipated but once done its done so to speak - and its a project I'm very pleased with.  I looked at the scarves as they were being printed today and although they still need steaming, washing and edging they are looking fantastic - I cant wait to post pictures next week. scarf design mid colouring in Having had a sickly week last week, both Dr Fred and I were under the weather, we decided to have a quiet weekend at home and only left the house to go see the new Trainspotting film - definitely worth a viewing if you were a fan of the first one - if not don't bother but I quite liked the idea of finding out what had happened to Renton, Sick boy, Begbie and Spud - none of it was surprising but it was still entertaining.  The film relies heavily on the fir