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chapter 2 in which the intrepid duo deal with hauntings and stormy seas....

It was a dark and stormy night and I'm pretty sure our cabin is haunted. How else can I account for the sudden levitations from the bed and the strange clanging in the room...... possibly the storm raging as the ship.... all however much tonnes of her is tossed around the bay of Biscay....
Yes a couple of rough days at sea - by far the worst we've had to date. Fortunately nothing much was required of us and a couple of sea sickness tablets did the trick and we just had a quiet day sorting out luggage and Dr Fred planned his future lectures. 

Once medicated I didnt mind the bouncy ship but it became quite difficult to move about with any grace🤣🤣 as Dr Fred said the movement of the boat makes you feel for one moment you are on the moon almost wieghtless and then you are on Jupiter so heavy you are stuck to the floor. I went to art class and as the studio is in deck 10 right at the top - the motion of the ocean was very evident and several people had to leave. I stayed, it was the same tutor as before and as we had originally been heading to the Azores it was a similar exercise - drawing hydrangas so I drew oranges instead. 
I have set myself a 100 day challenge as my New years resolution... I need to get back into drawing or at least 'image creation'. The plan is, I am to contribute to my sketch book everyday... I may add to previous work or start new page - it can be anything - collage - doodle - paint - line drawing but the discipline is to add every day. Lets see how long this lasts 🤗😂.
The dining areas were fairly empty, as were the bars. It was bit of a ghost ship.... 

We decided it was easiest to be sat down so we went to look at the evening show - first surreal moment of the trip - we sat though and mostly enjoyed a violin recital given by a chap I had been speaking to on the last trip. I wanted to catch his show because he was such a friendly bloke and he turned out to be a good musician. If I'm brutally honest here... the music on board doesnt really hit the right notes for us - ancient rockers and ravers - most of it is a bit too middle of the road. Its generally performed extremely competantly but its not our genre and its very dated.... when the guest start singing along it can be painful🤣. We've never been a fan of the Buble/ Boe (?) kind of stuff but what happens on the ship stays on the ship - thank goodness.....
We've slept alot... I blame the sea sickness tablets... and a manic christmas... but my default position seems to be go to cabin, sit on bed, lie down.. go to sleep....

Days at sea are long... Dr Fred did his first lecture - as usual, well received, with a few people chatting with him afterwards. We met some people who were delighted to see him again having had lunch with him last year... hes becoming quite the celebrity 😂😂 there are a number of familiar staff on board as well. I am just amazed how they remember guests given how many people pass through. 
I started my 'at sea' quilt. I dont really need another quilt but I need some hand sewing to keep me busy.... its part of a bigger project and will end up in the campervan.

As the seas calmed, the air temperature increased slightly and a turn on the promenade deck became quite pleasant.... still not many trees or hills.... and we never seem to be in the right place for whale spotting.  

We are now in Tenerife where I am posting this update - more adventures to follow.. 


  1. Oh, the good old Bay of Biscay, catches us all out in the end! This post really took me back, levitating off your bunk, staggering around like a drunk, the overwhelming urge just to lie down... I hope Fred's new celebrity status doesn't go to his head(!), good luck with the sketching etc and enjoy the Atlantic crossing (you should get plenty of time for quilting). xC


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