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Showing posts from April, 2017

Big Drawings with Messy Materials

Inspired by a drawing class on my course I've been experimenting drawing big, first in the class with charcoal and then at home with pastels.  I've got hundreds... and I've never used them, I've got quite a few unopened boxes and also a huge pencil case full that my son gave my last year so I have been having a little play. The drawing course was run by one of the fine art team and concentrated on bringing out shape and form rather then creating a accurate representation of the image we were drawing - We were asked to bring objects rather then photographs in to draw that was pertinent to our current project and I was a bit stuck as I was working of last years summer garden pictures so I took in a garden trowel and fork - not too bad a choice as it gave me quite a lot of shape and texture to work with. We only used graphite and charcoal and were encouraged to draw BIG - it was an enjoyable and strangely liberating experience.  I'd never used charcoal before a

Dumfries and Galloway

Ross Island ....More on our recent trip to Dumfries and Galloway - all things considered we were lucky with the weather... Although things to consider include: we were in Scotland, it was Easter, we were camping and we were on the west coast.. It rained quite a bit but mainly when we were tucked up cosy under a duvet and furry blanket - admittedly we stayed like that all morning one day while the heavens poured incessantly but eventually we emerged and wrapped up up well went for a walk though  the woods down to Ross Bay and round the headland, Dr Fred did some clambering around on gallavidian rocks and I pottered around the beach collecting yet more shells.  We got rained on but its only water!  I love the emptiness of this bit of coast, we were out walking all afternoon and only saw two other people the whole time.  The sun shone mostly and the light across the sea was just glorious. Searching the internet looking for an alternative to the huge holiday parks b

Solway sunrise

I was woken by voices outside.  Pulling aside the curtains I looked out of the van side window, two men carefully packing fishing gear into a smart white van presumably heading home for a fishy breakfast.. the other window revealed a glorious sunrise, inspite of a cosy duvet, unable to resist I wander out and find I have the beach to myself, only birds swooping along the tideline... post fishers and pre dog walkers a whole private sun rise to myself.  Suitably attired in a rather well worn scottiedog onesie I head down the beach.  The solway firth streches away into the sun, a vast open space, dazzling right across to the cumbriam coast. Little hopping birds are picking at fresh seaweed and larger gulls skim the waters surface. Its quiet, only bird song and gentle waves, not a breath of wind. Serene and calm what a beautiful way to start a day.

more flower line drawings..

Poppies bright jewels in the the garden, if we're lucy the buds unfold late May uncovering fabulous blowsy blooms heralding the beginning of summer.. yes I'm eternally optimistic and incredibly inpatient... Loving foxgloves.. lovely june flowers tall proud purple spires filling woodlands and gardens followed by our sunflower competition...sunflowers are such happy cheerful flowers which butterflies and bees love. All these flowers are going to be showcased in my final art module - a celebration of my garden and love of showy blowsy colourful plants - there will be Clematis and Ox eye daisies as well and quite a few butterflies and bees, lots of nature lots of colour hopefully all turned into a book of some description.  These simple line drawings are the base for collage, applique and embroidery.  

Yuri's Night

Its that time of year again... Party night to be part of the global space party that happens across the world to celebrate Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space.  As this momentous event coincides with Dr Fred's aka Yuri Cosmos birthday we always have a bit of a do.... excellent excuse for Dr Fred to be in charge of the tunes - all space themed (he now has choice of a 27 hour set) and show some interesting backing videos - a very eclectic mix of fact and fiction and of course everyone gets to dress up in space themed gear!!