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Work Handed In!!!

I have completed my first Northern School of Art Module.  Its plastered all over my bay and has been signed off - the studios are locked and there is no access until the work is marked.

I have really enjoyed this module, returning to creative learning and everything it has offered me.  I would have done it all completely different if I was to start again... but I am still pleased with what I have achieved. 

The reason I would do things differently is mainly down to eventually finding my feet and consequently a confidence which was somewhat lacking and also the inspirational influences of being in a creative environment again. Some of the work displayed my my peers is stunning, amazing and incredibly awesome. I feel lucky to be part of these wonderful collection of textile students.

However my work is what it is and I am happy to have produced some interesting work that fulfills the brief and also that I can see how much further or differently I could do it all again.  All the work is inspired by the ceramic collection at the Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle.  In the beginning the idea of a 15 week module was really daunting but actually its great as you have plenty of time to get your teeth in and really spend time developing the work.

I have also submitted two pieces of work taken from the scarf designs, printed on paper and framed, for an exhibition to be held at college, there is no guarantee that one or both will be accepted but nothing ventured nothing gained.   (Not good photos too much light reflecting) I'll keep you posted...

Now I have to fine tune my Material cultures Essay - almost there - and then I have a couple of creative CV's to update and then I can concentrate on my next design module which is based around interior  design rather then fashion.


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