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planning gallivanting and actual gallivanting

I cant believe what a faff it is to get passports for children... doesn't help if one small child aged just 3 decides not to cooperate so its almost impossible to get a decent image.. We did finally succeed but now I'm worried that little legs thinks we are going on a helicopter that Nana is piloting - thing is, shes got a memory like nothing I've seen that age, and may well kick off when we finally rock up at the airport and its only a boring plane with bog standard pilot not super Nana!!!

The real faff was that we took our own pictures and then tried to get them printed as passport friendly photographs... Boots don't do it, not on site anyway.. Tescos franchise was either closed for lunch (great timing for those with only a lunch hour) or broken!!! We had to pay a kings ransom in the end and have them done at one of those lingering, only managing because some people cant use internet, or need immediacy - like me - high street photo shops.  Any way its done now and fingers crossed the picture pass the  rigorous passport office scrutiny!!

All this is so us girls can go on holiday across the water in a sunny place with water slides - and the deal is - my eldest granddaughter is a wee bit shy of flying - she will love it - but shes nervous,so if she gets on a plane Nana has to go on the waterslides.... I expect this means I will get my hair wet!!!!

Back to current timescales.....

I have had the two pictures accepted for an exhibition in college - so I am pleased about that and I am currently enjoying some down time again.. yes this is what being an art student is all about - first 3 weeks of for Christmas and then  manic two weeks with two major hand ins and the n its interim week - no classes and now I'm gallivanting off to the Scottish low lands to live in a castle for  few days and hopefully do very little other then take photographs to inform next brief, eat good food, drink moderately and spend time with good friends.   I will do some college work as I have a creative CV to devise and a learning agreement to write but mainly I am going to do very little and attempt to get over this lingering chesty cough and cold I have had since new year.

We are going to a Landmark Trust building - its in the middle of nowhere and we are warned there is little or no phone or internet signal so the next post may be in a week or so and will hopefully detail a wonderful castle stay and maybe more snowy weather - and maybe some exciting new poetry as I have some inventing poems games....


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