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A Looming Deadline..

Back to college work.. the module hand in looms and I'm down to doing the last minute frills, or at least I should be - but it seems I've just found my mojo with this project and I can see endless possibilities that were not evident a month ago and while I am very happy with what I have produced I want to do more!!!

I want to simplify some of the work and embellish it with gold thread!  foil more of it - put tassles on. develop the motifs into fashion statements other then scarves, get a little funkier - take more inspiration from the Gucci collections...

I spent quite a few days over the holiday period getting the paperwork up to scratch and I've nearly finished annotating everything - I've got one scarf to hand hem - a job for in front of the tv tonight...

I guess its always a bit like this as a project nears the end - this has been quite an exhausting process - getting back into college and work mode but I generally like the work I have done - I think I have achieved my main objective which was to funk up the image of china object d'art, pleasant enough in its own way but now with bonkers contemporary twist... not everyone's cup of tea, not sure its even mine but this process has taught me a lot - about the Bowes museum, about french china, more importantly I've nailed Photoshop - well the basic foundations, with confidence to build on and I can troubleshoot- ha ha ...

I made a final push for  necklaces made from coloured acrylic, intending to overlay them with a heat transfer image.  I finally mastered the basics of Illustrator and managed to outline some images and then get them laser cut to make matching necklaces for the scarves...  then I tried to heat press the images onto them and it didn't work!! I was very disappointed!

I thought I was well on with my sketch book but in fact it has taken my two full days to finish and tidy it up.  It is full to bursting and is a glorious documentation of this whole semesters work.

Just got two product boards to put together now.... I've written an honest evaluation and almost pimped my bay ready for hand in.  We have about an hours down time on Wednesday after hand in before we get the next module briefing - bring it on!!!!!


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