Delayed postings... pretty much covering the last couple of weeks. 2016 is practically gone - For some people it has been a difficult year, some people have lost close friends and family, Iconic and national treasures from the entertainment world have passed away reminding some of us of how old and vulnerable we actually are, but also conjuring up past memories of teenage crushes and adventurous exploits... (the lost car at the Milton Keynes Bowie concert). The political world has been turned upside down even for those who got what they voted for (if anyone actually knows that), but I've been lucky, for me personally it was a good year, we had lots of good trips, Skye, Ireland, Wales, Yorkshire, more Scotland, Peak District... loads of great get togethers with family and friends, college was mostly fun, the Snow dog experience was fab, I feel we got a moderate amount or sunshine which makes such a difference to life in general so up to the the last three weeks it was ok... Of c