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From fireworks to jam...with bespoke recycled carriers thrown in!

I've had a bonfire halloween week, we had a brilliant firework display courtesy of a Newcastle friend - on the beach on Druridge Bay, BBQ, bonfire and the best fireworks and pyromania I've witnessed at a private event. It was cold and windy and I have to say I was a wimp, I didn't venture down much before the fireworks and then came back home to  fire pretty much straight away!! Dr Fred helped set up and clear away but I'm very pleased I managed to get it together and brave the beach for the main event.

I was in a very excited mood having just - finally - booked our flights for our intended adventure next year. Its official at last, we fly into Vancouver mid July and out again when we have trawled around the Rockies, across into the US of A done a few more rocks, national parks and enjoyed the 2016 total Eclipse of the sun visible from somewhere down that way...  we don't plan too much as it's more fun to see where the road takes us. Needless to say I'm very excited!!!!

But before then we have to weather the winter, after our own fun little bonfire celebration in the hamlet, I settled back down and took on Illustrator for my final design, more or less finished!!! thank goodness.  Yesterday I had a very relaxing day and made a huge batch of hedgerow jam, using up all the blackberries and apples we haven't managed to eat in crumbles and pies.  It's very satisfying stirring jam and when it sets perfectly you know the jobs a goodun!
hedgerow jam

Today I have spent all day making a paper carrier bag!  Yes its ridiculous how much effort has gone into such a mundane project!  I thought I would spice up the idea of a recycled carrier bag and make my own out of recycled brown patterned wrapping paper.  To enhance the design I sewed lines into it in different colours using different yarns, some on the sewing machine and some by hand.  They are there but hardly visible, possibly not worth the effort!  Then I realised the bag wasn't very strong so I decided to make it with a lining... not too difficult except the glue wouldn't behave!  Finally I had to assemble it!  I thought I had thought it through - but best laid plans.... anyway eventually an hour later of what should have been simple folding but turned into a dogs dinner I did at last have my own bespoke paper carrier with handles and a secure base!
note discreet stitching....

This is the packaging for my branded merchandise, my CV, business cards, notepaper and the rest.  All I have left to do is make some nice knitted or woven ties to keep everything tidy... It all looks quite nice, of course it's very Ruby Starrs style - just as it should be! (but, I know when I get to college and look at everyone else's I'll wish, just for 30 seconds mine was cleaner and sleeker - but that's not me)!!!


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