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2024 stormy seas....heading home

This post is interspersed with pictures of the giant christmas deccies the crew had made entirely from recycled materials.

Its been a pleasant but fairly un eventful cruise... We were allocated an okay cabin down in the bowels of the ship... in the wild weather that finally caught up with us on the way home - the waves hit the port hole windows with quite some force. The occaisional 'wave' hitting the bow of the boat resonated down the side of the boat - quite noisy and a tad alarming.... but quite exciting!Mostly though there was little drama and our quarters were quiet and undisturbed. We were, however, for a large part of the day 'unwell' ... not exactly sick but definetely feeling less comfortable with the considerable motion of the boat - we just slept most of the time... probably not a bad thing after the 4 days of manic sightseeing and sampling spanish culture.
Dr Freds lectures went down well... his private lunches were in demand and we even managed a couple of clear nights stargazing. We had an enthusiastic crowd withs lots of questions and experience to share.  We do get to meet some really interesting people on these trips.
The food on the Bolette is varied but I cant help being disappointedxat the lack of 'destination' food.  Only on one evening were offered anything remotely spanish - tapas - and the restbpf the time it was perfectly edible well cooked unexciting meat amd two veg... or pasta.  We did have proper silver service for a couple of nights - the proper restraunt was pleasant, but still unexciting food, the Colours and Tastes was exceptional.
We 've been seriously blessed with the weather... mostly calm seas... blue skies and late teens temperatures. what a delight for late December. 
Inbetween Dr Freds lectures and stargazing session we looked at other entertaining speakers including a quite surreal moment when somehow we found ourselvess watching the senior officers have a gingerbread house building competitian... compelling viewing right up to the vote ... the winner being most definetely deserved.  I went to the art classes - we enjoyed some of the on board music and entertainment and, as usual, ate far too much food. 
Its been fab to visit so many interesting places on the coast of northern Spain. The christmas lights in Vigo were stunning. I enjoyed wandering around La Coruña and even Gijòn had some interesting points. It was good to revisit the Guggenheim in Bilbao - then time to head back across the Bay of Biscay.
I got to practice my very rusty spanish and was delighted when without thinking it through I asked a invigilator in the guggenheim where the cafe was - in spanish which resulted in a reply... obviously in spanish... and I pretty much got the gist - downstairs to the left get a braclet so you can return, go out and into next building and back to second floor !!! 
We were lucky to find a selection of really nice bars and cafes to sample a bit of spanish hospitality and the whole trip has just made me very excited for our planned extended trip for the 2026 eclipse.
For our last night treat we went to the cheese and wine evening. Nice wine and we gorged on delicious spanish cheese..  which incidentally was conspicuous by its absence at meal times... we ate so much we ended up with a sicky but satisfying feeling washed away with large shiraz's... by this time many of the guest know us and sitting in the bar has become quite a sociable ocassion.  Conversations often start with star gazing queries but lead onto wider subjects - its a pleasant way to spend an evening and make new friends.
So that wraps upour cruising for 2024 - lots of adventures - but more to come... bring on the Carribean!


  1. Great to read about your latest adventure. The recycled decorations and crew getting involved in the festivities almost gave me rose-coloured glasses for Xmas offshore! Even your description of the rougher weather made me realise it's a while since I've been bounced to sleep in a bunk :). Hope you are safely home and have a lovely xmas. xxx C&S


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