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Spring is sprung, Pond Life, Yuris night, Birthday Present Dilemmas

Our frogs know nothing about lock down!!! They are hopping between gardens and believe me are making copious amounts of frogspawn and that requires breaking all social distancing rules....  I am ridiculously happy to find frogs and spawn in my pond!   It was just the icing on the cake when I had one of those good days - we had been feeling the pressure of the current situation when the sun started to shine, I had a major (for me) break through with InDesign, my 'lost in the post' plants turned up, my neighbor turned out to be friendly and then the frogs turned up!!!  Of course that night we sat down and watched the news and came back to reality - that's the last time I looked at the news... I find it so depressing and alarmist - I cant do anything other than what I am doing, I check odd bits on the internet so not completely unaware but I am, like many others, finding this constant battering very difficult.
could this be a prince?

I actually feel very privileged to be safe and comfortable in a  nice space with plenty of supplies including loo roll, we have plenty to keep us occupied and are more than happy to sit out this current crisis frog watching and getting on with college work.   The anaglypta palace remains covered in anaglypta - so plenty to do if it starts raining.

For those less fortunate - people on the front line, NHS staff - charity workers, carers, supermarket staff, and people like posties I wish we could do more to make their lives better.  Clapping on a Thursday doesn't really do much, my friend who is front line appreciates the gesture but says she would rather have doughnuts!!!   I worry about all those homeless, abused, lonely people who have to stick out terrible sad places and wonder how we will ever pick up the pieces of such a damaged society - its always the poor that pay and never see any benefits..  our society doesn't support mental health at the best of times let alone in a crisis!

I left our immediate neighbors sunflower seeds in pots on their doorsteps as I only had one packet to share - they seemed pleased and up for growing them -  we are no longer in the village of the doomed - may not be so pretty, less lambs - but lots of geese, chooks and friendly natives.

we have lift off... this cake wouldn't lift anywhere it was wee bit brick like but tasted alright

For distraction and to make the best of the situation I've been doing video art classes with my son - he is teaching me about perspective - its interesting - he in turn is doing video maths classes with Dr Fred.  We have had a couple of zoom encounters with various friends the last one being our annual celebration of Yuri Gagarin, first man in space  - Yuris night / birthday party for Dr Fred.  It was pretty fab, about 30 people all making a real effort dressing up and dancing to DJ Yuri Cosmos space tunes in there own living rooms - it was a party to remember!  It was nice thing to do as having a birthday in lock down is less fun especially when your girl friend gives you a present and then you both realise its not something she bought ages ago - hid - lost - found just in time - but actually turns out to be something that already belonged to you and just got misplaced when moving house!!!   ooopps

zoooom party time
And, the  days are slipping - this is always Dr Freds and my problem when we don't have a routine... we go to bed later and later and get up later and later - the advantage was that I managed to get a supermarket delivery slot at 3.00 am - not the delivery but the slot opened!! I hummed and ahhed about using it as I can actually get to the shops - and think these slots should be made more easily available for people like my daughter who is stuck at home with small children and no transport or immediate family on hand to help - it is impossible for her to get to a supermarket.. but this doesn't happen so in the end I took it and did a shop so we can eat drink and be merry ( gin, wine and beer) survive another few weeks - to be honest we will never starve I've been too used to having a family to feed to not have a freezer stash!!  I've let my neighbor know so she can add to it if there is anything she wants.  Makes it feel a bit more worthwhile.

the scarves progress - albeit slowly

College work is on going - I've been doing a lot of tutorials about making nice InDesign documents as we are handing in digitally - its hard with out tech assistance but I am getting there.... to be honest I am surprising myself to say the least... on the more practical side I was disappointed to find I only had about a metre of this lovely retro gold ric rac ribbon as I think it sets off the neon pom pom trim really nicely - C'est la vie hardly an essential so I will make do with cross stitch instead.


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