Slowly (very slowly)I am coming to terms with the technology world...but its simple things like putting the blog on my tablet and then being able to find it again and then even simpler stuff like making the space bar work every time so all the words arent joined up......
Why does the app on my tablet have to be different to my computer..I cant edit this so well and putting photos on is a nightmare... any suggestions or help much appreciated.
This is test blog from my tablet (If you want havent guessed already) now to try and add a picture ... I think this about sums it up my whole trial by tablet. I have now managed to disable the app and load up the computer version which has made the whole thing a lot easier. Goodness me I'm quite brilliant!!!
Every thing I try to do is only working by trial and error and when it is sucsessful I've no idea why it happened or how to repeat it. I'm much better at interpretive dance even dressed as a squirrel. I've just adjusted to the settings and suddenly its starting to work for me, I'm starting to feel clever!!!! Now I've just discovered that I can talk to the tablet which means I don't have to worry about the spacebar anymore I just have to go back and put in punctuation as it doesn't exist when you do text voice to text this might work very well when I'm on my travels. I just need to sort out how to insert photographs properly.
Love the idea of pulling a squirrel out of your bag/pocket and letting it do an interpretive dance in answer to a pesky question! :) x