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A Turtle Eclipse of the Sun....

Exmouth at last....After a lot of planning and exploring we finally settled on where we would watch the eclipse from... and it turned out to be a winner! 

We got up even before the crack of sparrows loaded everything we thought we might need into the cruise mobile and headed around the very tip of the peninsula to Yardie Creek. This was right in the centre of totality giving us the full 62 secs this amazing phenomena was going to last.  There was alot of traffic heading the same way and we were concerned because the park officials were restricting access to all the parks to crowd manage and protect wildlife... hence the early start... It paid off by the time we got to the park we were waved through and when we got to Yardie Creek it was already pretty busy.  Its a big area so plenty of room for all takers and most people were heading either for the shaded picnic area or walking up the gorge but we headed for the dunes. 
Its really useful having a Dr Fred who knows what might happen and why having a slightly elevated spot with expanse of sand and sea around might help to see the shadows and a flat horizon will show up the sky changing.  We sat down and waited ..... 
As the moon moved over the sun we got quite silly taking pictures of our shadows making pinhole images.   It was a brilliant spot - beautiful sands and the sea crashing below the dune and a huge turtle swimming around the reef... bobbing up and down while he fished for his lunch.

The whole experience was quite amazing.  The Eclipse itself was incredible.... Obviously we all wished it could lasted longer but the sky went quite dark and being next to the sea this was more pronounced... the shadows rippled across the dunes... the wind dropped... the temperature changed quite dramatically and slowly the moon covered the sun. And then Totality!  Pictures never work welĺ and the time was so limited so this just gives a flavour
Stunning!! A most beautiful corona... like a halo but with a clear line of red prominences all down the west side.  It was fabulous a fitting finale to our amazing trip... because thats how it feels now we are back at camp... we are heading home to the Uk now.

I have loads more to post about this week but we may not have internet access for a few days and I wanted to post Eclipse... 

More will follow because we are having a fantastic time here in Exmouth.. al sorts of shenangians.. I've got more pics of eclipse antics and we've done some really interesting stuff..(to us anyway🤣) I'll post as soon as I'm back on line... 


  1. Pleased to hear that the eclipse worked out for you and the good doctor. The BBC reported 20,000 plus had gathered in Exmouth to witness it. Look forward to reading more.
    Steve (Amble) & Caroline (At sea)

  2. Whoa! what an amazing experience have a good journey back

  3. I woke early today and thoughts went to you both and what you was about to enjoy. My goodness, I was all emotional standing in my kitchen thinking of you there and the building excitement. So happy it turned out just perfect. I watched it on You Tube and was sure I saw Dr. Fred looking skywards. What a totally amazing adventure you’ve had. Safe trip home soon. Loads of love xxx

  4. Caroline Mackay21 April 2023 at 07:15

    Wonderful! So pleased you had such a fab experience - looks like the perfect place to watch it all. Saw the pictures on the news and it looked amaaazing. Loving your foties - the corona looks enormous and how fab to share the experience with a huge turtle 🐢🥰 Enjoy the rest of your time there xx

  5. Looks fabulous. Felt connected with you when it was shown on the news and knew you would have had a great time. Cold and misty in the UK so envied you that beautiful sun, sea and blue skies.


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