6633 kilometres... 4121.5 miles... Its been a fabulous trip... amazing places, dark skies, fabulous wildlife, some catching up with old friends, new friends made...lots of stories to tell and memories to mull over. I won't miss the constant refrain 'theres another sand dune in the van' as Dr Fred once again sweeps the floor of the van... Or the sand in the bed ... but its all worth it for the sunshine - long white beaches - dark red earth - and pure blues skies... I have loved the different colours and and landscapes we have encountered.. as always our trip takes in a lot of rock but this has been incredibly varied and on a completely different scale to what we see in the UK. The echidnas continued to be elusive but we had some wonderful moments observing the local native wildlife... only picture I got of echidna ... stuffed in visitors centre! Its been uplifting to have the stunning light and warmth from day one.. even when we stepped