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June Days.....

Its a bit of a MEH day today.... rainy and chilly compared to yesterday so I have sat around in my jim jams - listened to a lot of music and I am reading Grayson Perry by Jacky Klein - which I am enjoying immensely - wishing I had read it a bit earlier as it is full of inspiration for my last uni module if maybe a little risque in places for what I was looking at.  

I have been following the Grayson Perry Art Club on channel 4 - more by chance than management as we got out of the habit of real TV not having it for years and more tuned into watching streamed channels which means I never took any notice of what was on 'real time'.    Anyway I found it an interesting mix of art, community, comedy , some surprising guests and Mr and Mrs Perry who are very entertaining.   

I'm always worried that people who catch the lime light like Grayson will get overdone so to speak but he is compulsive viewing and his book is great - he hold some similar ideas to slamitinrubystarrs - 'when in doubt bung it in' Grayson states (p 43, Klein) truly a man after my own heart - He has the same alto ego as Ruby as well Claire - but sadly there the similarity ends....  read the book its good.

In homage to people I think are interesting I named the frogs after Philippa, Grayson and Jarvis (Cocker) - sadly one of them has passed to frog heaven in spite of all our efforts to help it recover... I'm not sure which one it is - I suspect its Grayson or Jarvis as it was a very large specimen.... 

Lock down is starting to get to me - I've named the tomato plants and have a delphinium nursery growing four very delicate seedlings now named after Blue members in honour of my daughter who for some inexplicable reason - in spite of a sterling upbringing by proper music lovers in her life she still loves boy bands!!!!! 

Meanwhile I'm nurturing Sister Bliss, Maxi Jazz, Rollo, Jamie and Aubrey in the green house waiting on tips from Monty Don to produce expert tomatoes in abundance.   I have courgette plants as well but I seriously dont like courgettes - one of the few veg I think is a waste of time but I had the seeds - and given current situation was desperate to fill my lovely new greenhouses - I'm not naming them them though on principle - unless things get even more desperate and then I'll probably go for 90's showy girl bands......

And finally for today - because its so beautiful here are welsh poppies, roses and a very washed out looking clematis Josephine - Its multi layered and a lovely dusky pink - photograph doesn't do it justice.. a stunning surprise in our ever emerging garden.


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