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Reasons to be cheerful part two

quick word - we have no internet see following post... using library, mobile data stuff and pals until we get it sorted which wont be for a few weeks so posting really intermittent and several up loads at a time... if you are a regular reader then I suggest you pace yourself ha ha.

Our beloved camper van, Beryl the yellow peril is still in the garage!!! This has not improved the moving experience as we were counting on having her to transport the garden stuff and the shed contents!!  She’s been quite poorly but the garage are now hopeful of a full recovery at great expense I expect but she’s worth it – in the meantime we still have stuff to be collected from Toggie….

Unpacking continues and the house is slowly evolving, its back to front to what I’m used to and I think it takes a little while for things to find where they best live, I’ve pretty much sorted the kitchen and the sitting room will get sorted today.  I’m itching to set up my work space in the sunroom but need to sort practical things out first. 

We went back up to Toggie to clean and finish emptying the house.  We were fed cheese scones and cake by our lovely neighbour who I will really miss – the chats and cups of tea we have shared over the last few years were an integral part of my retirement / student life…. Then we cleaned and scoured the house and have only the shed left.  Still without a van we have had to leave some stuff up there for collection next week.

Meanwhile we realise how dependant we have become on the internet!!! Having no internet is proving to be quite difficult but finding a supplier has been even harder!!  Interestingly the one company that can get coverage out here is willing to sell us a seriously under par service – its really poor customer service.  Please be warned that BT have wasted hours of my time claiming they can deliver what I state I require but when it gets to the crunch i.e. when I‘m about to click to buy and pay but I’m savvy enough to double check – suddenly they are full of apologies and explain that I am unlikely to get a strong enough signal to have a tv package or stream films on the computer, use skype but I should be able to get spotify!!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH – this information should be given at the beginning of a conversation not way down the line as you enter contract.

I asked the new neighbour what other people in the village did and she was very helpful pointing me in the direction of an independent digital firm and a grant opportunity to fund installation as part of a government initiative to connect rural areas.  Hopefully this will resolve the problem.  I find it hard to believe in this day of technology that connection can be so difficult… we lived in the wilds of Northumberland for five years with amazing hassle free fast efficient inexpensive internet through a phone line and now we move allegedly into civilisation not 5 miles out of Darlington and we cant get a decent internet provider for love but can pay loads of money!!! C’est la vie – it will be resolved and worth it in the end.


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