Hotel Ash Cottage is closing for refurbishment or at the very least some autumn cleaning ( ha ha ha )... we have had a lovely run of friends and family to stay - lots of good food, too much drink and an awful lot of laughing and general hilarity. I love having people to stay - its not the biggest house but everyone mucks in and it all works out in the long run- we get to show off Northumberland and take them to special places we have found - we get out and about boost the local economy in various local cafes and pubs, We get to eat lots of scones and cake without feeling guilty - after all some ones on holiday here! We've been fortunate with the weather, summer has finally arrived and we are making the most of it - when my daughter and her family were here it was glorious and we took the opportunity to go to Alnwick Castle, a treasure hunt in Warkworth, sandcastle building on the beach, kayaking, sun flower party... with our visiting friends there were more beach walks, less sa