I miss the garden at this time of year - winter is well on us -spring feels like a long way away - the trees look skeletal and bleak, the fog and frost makes everything look a bit ethereal but really I would prefer sunshine - ethereal doesn't cut it for me - its cold and dank and offers no opportunities for being outside. It does however mean the odd ray of sunshine which lights up the few colours left in the garden and its a real joy and the odd sunset we get makes for interesting moody skies - nothing lasts long and now the nights are supposedly lengthening - not that its very noticeable yet. Although I'm still enamoured by lighting the stove and cosying down - the novelty of cold comfy winter nights is definitely starting to wear thin - I usually manage it until about Christmas and then I yearn for warmer lighter days - this next year I will almost get my wish - I have managed most of January and now just got to see Feb through but then just as it all gets really bad, I c