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Showing posts from November, 2019

Collating Collections for Hand In

Its only a couple of days to my first hand in of the year and I've been making myself do all the fiddly little bits that I always leave to the last minute.  All the labeling of my resources and tidying up the sketch book, bibliography referenced the right way - all the boring bits but the devil is in the detail!!! old and new buildings - line drawings exposed on a cyanotype base My head is still spinning with ideas as usual but I need to do the essentials first and then if I have time in the next couple of days I may add some extra work if it can be executed to the necessary standard.  The really good thing about this module is that it mainly about producing a body of work and imagery to develop in the next module grandly known as the Final Major Project - FMP  for short - so we can keep adding and developing ideas. red gladioli in a tall blue vase, found paper collage on black paper I've done quite a bit of collage this time, I love cutting and sticking and find it

it was a dark and stormy night

pic by Hilary indeed it was a stormy night... worse than had been forecast - and on the strength of the weather forecast we headed up to the Durham Lumiere... but it rained and rained and the queues were long and it was very busy .. still great fum and as it was the 10th anniversary they had brought back a lot of my favorites from 4 years ago. This included the whale jumping in the river and the fabulous projection on the castle.  I have to admit the new stuff was interesting but still wasn't as effective as some of the older revisiting shows.  I did however love the giant snow globe and found the tunnel of light simple but really effective. We didn't get into the cathedral - we started to queue but realised after hardly any movement in 20 mins it was going to be a long haul - in the rain so we escaped and didn't bother to return.   We had the obligatory pint in Dr Freds old local the Victoria and very nice it was - still not changed at all and still very bu

Oriental Museum Durham

Before we hit the Lumiere we visited the Oriental museum and it was a very pleasant experience.  Full of interesting objects and for the most well labeled so lots of information.  there were lots of little interesting artifacts from the orient although I have to admit that Mummies really spook me - I don't know why - too many hammer horror films I suspect but while lots of things don't bother me this idea of embalmed trussed up bodies doesn't appeal to me at all. porcelain Chrysanthemum bowl by Hosoni Hitomi

What a Picture - What a Photograph!!

Photo montages - the way forward digitally at the moment!!!  I had my formal tutorial at Uni and got on the whole positive feedback but a bit of a doublehander with an observation made that I have an excellent portfolio of primary photographs, varied interesting and relevant but I'm not using them enough!!!  So I decided to play with photo montage and manipulation on PS this is 6 different photographs taken all on the same day on a beach in Galloway First problem I ran into is that my computer is too old and low spec to run my newly repurchased most updated version of Photoshop!!!! So a new computer will arrive later today.   This is a minor setback as I have been meaning to upgrade my lappie for a couple of months and this just kicked me into action.  What it did mean though was I lost some valuable time last week being unable to work from home and as I was a bit under the weather I didn't make it into college.... C'est la vie I'll make it up.. Unseen Kr